Monday, May 29, 2006

Landscaping for Birds

Are you a gardener? I am, though I'll admit it seems that there is precious little time for it these days. Nevertheless, I do realize the importance of having the yard and garden as "bird friendly" as possible. Afterall, it means that I can enjoy another favorite hobby almost anytime...bird watching.

When you think about landscaping for birds or making your yard bird friendly, there are a few simple things to keep in mind.

  • Water - it's essential. Just like us..birds need water to.
  • Protection - feeding birds need places to retreat should you friendly cat visit the area
  • Diversity - of plants as well as feeders will go a long way toward attracting birds to your yard.
Visit Birding Mania for more tips on lanscaping for birds.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hummingbirds & Bird Houses

Spring comes a bit slow sometimes in this corner of the world. But it's finally here...and so are the hummingbirds and swallows.

It's a joy to watch the hummingbirds have their breakfast while I have mine. They definitely bring a smile to all who watch them.

I recently came across and article on hummingbird houses. I'd never even heard of them prior to this...and now I'm jazzed to wonder if one would work in my yard.

See what you think....Hummingbird Houses.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

500 Million Birds!

Wouldn't you love to be a part of this? I know I would.

"Each year, some 500 million birds visit Israel's Hula Valley, a migratory crossroads where Europe, Asia and Africa meet. On November 5-11, 2006, thousands of serious ornithologists, weekend bird- watchers, and people of all ages from around the world who simply enjoy seeing Mother Nature at her best will also flock to the region - for the first annual Hula Valley Bird Festival in Israel."

For more information visit

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spotting a Rare Bird

What birding maniac would not love to spot a rare bird? Here's one that did:


Rare bird spotted in Bismarck back yard
Allen Nass was hoping to get more photographs of a Harris's sparrow Saturday when another bird, one he didn't recognize, showed up in his back yard.

He thought it was some kind of finch at first because of the red on it. Then he wondered if it was a woodpecker. Then he did what he always strives to do in such situations.

"Take pictures and ask questions later," he said Tuesday.

What Nass photographed in his yard about eight miles east of Bismarck was a European goldfinch.

Want to read the rest of the article?